Former Tottenham Academy Manager Rastrick joins PGAAC

Dean Rastrick: Worked for Tottenham for 13 years
Written by Simon Austin — December 22, 2023
FORMER Tottenham Academy Manager Dean Rastrick has joined the Professional Game Academy Audit Company (PGAAC) as a Leadership and Management Auditor.
Rastrick left Tottenham in June after 13 years’ service. He first joined the club in 2010 as Academy Performance Manager before being promoted to Academy Manager in July 2017.
In July 2020 he assumed overall responsibility for the Academy programme following John McDermott's move to the Football Association to become Head of Academy Coaching and Player Development. Tottenham have ranked in the top five in every edition of our Academy Productivity Rankings.
PGAAC was set up in 2018 to provide independent quality assurance of club Academies. Auditors carry out four-day site visits to clubs and the areas they assess are: leadership and management, coaching, performance support, education, player care, safeguarding, medical and emotional wellbeing.