Murphy: Path into coaching too 'restrictive' for players

DANNY MURPHY says some England coaches have been appointed because of a “jobs-for-the-boys” culture and that the path into management is too “restrictive” for ex-players.

Murphy, who won nine England caps and now works as a TV pundit, was discussing coaching opportunities for ex-players with Sol Campbell on TalkSport.

He said: "When you look at your experience at international level and some of the people who get the jobs at certain England youth team levels - and I know a couple of teams have done really well - there are certain people who have been given jobs in there, in that system, which is definitely jobs for the boys, let me tell you that much.

“I know that might sound a little bit scandalous but I know that to be a fact. And that is wrong in itself when you’ve got people like yourself looking to give so much.

"With the international experience it’s a completely different string to your bow that a lot of people don’t have.

"It does seem to be restrictive for players, ex-players like ourselves, and this long-winded journey you have to go on to get qualified."

Murphy did not specify who he thought had been given an England role because of a 'jobs-for-the-boys' culture.

The subject of whether top players should or should not be given an easier route into management is certainly a very contentious one though.

John Terry said he believes top players should be fast-tracked through their badges, while Steven Gerrard, who is working with the Liverpool Under-18s, argued that everyone, including himself, should earn their stripes before becoming a manager.

Ryan Giggs, who revealed before Christmas that he had turned down a role with Manchester United's Academy, was announced as Wales manager yesterday.

Campbell, who is working as an assistant with the Trinidad and Tobago team and has gained his Uefa Pro Licence, argued he now deserves a chance as a manager. He also said he would "crawl there" if offered a job on the coaching staff at former club Arsenal.

His full quotes are below and you can listen to the interview here:

Sol Campbell: 'Give me 20, 30 games to prove myself'

Sol Campbell: “I want to be in there, I want to be managing. I’m a leader. I was captain with Tottenham at 22 and one of the youngest captains for England. I know how to take the stress on my shoulders, and under pressure I know how to win.

“I’ve got so much to offer in all different capacities when it comes to football management and coaching, because I’m a detail man, that’s how I got to the top and stayed at the top. I read detail, I know what’s happening.

"I played in many positions. I know how to play across the board, across all different positions and systems. That’s how my mind works. I had do that, I had to look after my game and other players and making sure everyone’s alright on the pitch.

"I’ve got all that, I want to bring that back in. I think it’s time for me to be able to, somehow, get in somewhere and build. I know you have to start again, I understand that, and I’m willing to do that. Even if it’s one day a week and it's somewhere for me to get back in and on that treadmill.

"It needs someone to kind of change their mindset, at the top, to say, 'right, let’s give him a job'.

"'There’s Sol, he [was named in] a World Cup team [of the tournament, in 2002], and one European team [in 2004]'.

"I don’t think a player can say they’ve been in a World Cup team and a European team, so that means for three or four years I was probably the best defender in the world. I’ve got a reservoir of experience to pass on.

"Why wouldn’t you want to use me to help your team with those nuggets of information that can make the difference between a player being a good player or an excellent player?

"I’ve spent three and a half years studying at the Welsh FA. If that doesn’t show intent, passing through my B, A and pro. I want to get back in. Surely there has to be some sort of opening somewhere. Give me 20, 30 games to prove myself."

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